
Heatherwoode Golf Club offers the opportunity
to escape from average. Heatherwoode impresses
with amenities that go well beyond standard.

Heatherwoode is a public golf course operated and owned
by the city of Springboro. You do not need a membership
to golf at Heatherwoode, but memberships are available
for your affordability and convenience. Learn more
about membership here.

2024 Off Season Rates

Effective 11/4/24 – 2/28/24

Sat/Sun (All 18 Holes OPEN) WALK RIDE
18 (Until 2 PM) $45 $55
9 (12 PM – 2 PM) $25 $30
18 Senior (12 PM – 2 PM) $29 $39
Twilight (Starts 2 PM) $20 $30
18 Junior (Starts 12 PM) $15 $25
9 Junior (Starts 12 PM) $10 $15
Youth On Course (Starts 3 PM) $5
Mon – Fri (1 Hole CLOSED Daily) WALK RIDE
18 (Until 2 PM) $35 $45
9 (Anytime) $20 $25
18 Senior (Anytime) $29 $39
Twilight (Starts 2 PM) $20 $30
18 Junior (Starts 12 PM) $15 $25
9 Junior (Starts 12 PM) $10 $15
Youth On Course (Starts 3 PM) $5

*1 hole CLOSED daily starting early November on Mon-Fri

**All holes open on Sat/Sun

– Senior rates apply anytime Mon-Fri & from 12-2 PM Sat/Sun

– Junior Rates/Memberships are valid after 12 PM ONLY

– Youth On Course remains after 3 PM ONLY